It's time for an OIL change and some new BREAK PADS!
I have had a nice day and today was the first time that I actually slept in past 8 in the morning since I got home from the hospital. I am hurting tonight and I am trying to just do things a little at a time, so in the next month I will be full speed at work! I love the support that I have been getting, and I love the fact that the people close to me are really taking it seriously. Just because the surgery is over does not mean that my recovery done as well. The surgery was only the beginning and right now I am on so many steroids that it's like I still have a tumor. I will be on the same amount for at least the next 6 weeks and then hopefully it will help my pituitary gland start producing the right amount on it's own. Before the surgery I learned so much about what has been going on with my body for the past 5-10 years and I made a plan. Surgery and getting the tumor out is giving me a huge second chance to get my health in order. I want to resolve all of these medical problems that I have been having and removing the tumor was only one big step into doing that. Exercise, healthy diet, sleep, taking personal time for myself, and not always placing everything and everyone before me! If I don't take control or manage me better I will not be able to get up to 100% at work and I will not be going to Orlando for work. Of course I am sure that my family would be happier if I didn't move to Orlando but it's not about them!
I started looking at what I can do to get more in shape to help with my recovery and loose weight quicker and I think I have combined some exercises together to make a great workout for me. I am going to do a different routine each week so I don't hit a wall! I have lost 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks and all I did was sit around and eat in recovery. I have been keeping my sugar better under control and I am really proud of myself! It is hard and it is always a struggle but I can do it and keep myself healthy. The real challenge is incorporating what I have been doing into my really busy life and work! It can get really hard when you are just busy and convenience blocks your vision of healthier decisions! I have had a lot of time to think and today was one of them. I am going to start bringing my lunch or items to make my meals at work healthier.
I don't think that I have ever had so much time to concentrate on my health and my life. I am so thankful that I am doing so well after the surgery. So many things could have gone wrong, and I have had so much support from my friends and family. I am so thankful and blessed to have all of them in my life.
I actually have a busy, fun, relaxing, recovery week
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