Managing The Symptoms
Diabetes is a challenge for me and I find myself in a battle with it everyday. This morning my sugar is high, it's at 177 and my vision is blurry in one of my eyes. I didn't take my insulin last night, I totally forgot...I need to set up my medicine alarms on my phone again.
Everyday it's measure how much carbs and sugars I am eating, what time is it can I eat or is it time to check my sugar, more medicine, oh my sugar is getting low it's time for a snack, and then the if I eat this I can't have that. It can become a pain in the butt. It can get to the point where I wish that meals don't have to be such a planned out situation and I just become tired of having o work so hard. I guess you could say I get tired of my diabetes.
It's something that I have to deal with everyday and I win the battle more than I loose against it. I just have to make sure I have my head on straight and my game face on. When life feels a mess and it just gets out of control at work or outside of work that is when it seems the hardest for me to manage my diabetes. I understand how hard it can be to always take medicine and not want to at times. Pricking my finger, taking medicine, giving myself shots, just gets old and annoying.
So instead of thinking of how hard it can be or how much of a pain in the ass it really is I try to take a different approach. First of all if I don't take care of myself I am going to die, and if that doesn't give me a reality check of what I have to do...."Life is scary, get use to it there are no magical fixes. It's all up to you. So get up off your keister, get out, and go start doing' the work. Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy." Bob Kelso- Scrubs
So I'll grab some breakfast and take my medicine and measure out everything like I always do. With any luck I will be able to win the battle today. Of course half the battle with be getting my sugar down to a normal level because it is very high.
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