I'm left wondering when all of this started with me!!!
I spent most of last night looking and learning more about this syndrome/disease I have. I just keep on thinking when did all of this start with me, and how am I going to be able to recover from it?!? I was asked by my doctor (one of them) on my last visit when he thinks that all of my symptoms started. I really want to say that they became most visible when I was first diagnosed with kidney stones in 2005. That's 4-5 years ago, and the more I learn about all of this disease the more I think I have had this tumor on my pituitary glad since I was in my teens. I guess that I will start off with a time line, it will organize my thoughts and help me place some things together!
June 2005- Kidney Stones
August 2005 - Lithotripsy for Kidney Stones
*I was placed on Allipurinol, but I still keep getting stones. My urologist Dr. Cunningham cannot understand why I keep getting them, he just throws pain pills at me and tells me that they are something that I am going to have to live with.
May 2008- Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes
September 2008- Had a change of Doctors and I am placed with a specialist named Dr. Lisa Young (love her)
January 2009- First tested for Cortisol levels, results were normal
August 2009- Tested once again for Cortisol Levels, they came up abnormal this time (150)
September 2009-
(10)Test are coming back abnormally and I have Cushing disease. I have too many related symptoms that cannot be ignored.
(22) Had my first serious doctor appointment about what having this disease really means. Blood test to see if the cortisol is coming adrenal or pituitary.
November 2009-
*My MRI_That was just the worst thing EVER- It took 1 hour in the box.
*Finally referral to Shands, for a Endocrinologist with Dr. Quinn
*Love Dr. Quinn, she is awesome, but it's time for more test. Spit test, 3 and time to get more records from Dr. Young's Office/ they can't seem to send any of my records correctly.
December 2009-
I have been referred to Dr. Roper @ Shands!!!! This is the doctor appointment that sticks out so well in my mind. We went over the surgery procedures and did a lot of talking, and the next time we will see him will be to set up a surgery date.
More urine and blood tests to get done, and then hopefully I will be able to get a date.
January 2010-
(6)Waiting on Spit test, I have to go have more done....more!!!!!!
I keep on educating myself and hopefully I will be able to send out another email to my friends and family about what is going on with me. I am ready to get a date setup for this surgery. I want to be able to get the road to recovery started, the sooner the better.
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